John Fantasia
John was born in Perth, Western Australia and caught the performing bug at an early age when he began acting in school plays and musicals.
After finishing high school he began performing with local Rock bands as the lead singer. He toured the west coast of Australia for a few years and eventually decided to move to the US and establish himself there.
Without any real plan, but in a great hurry to implement it, he mentioned this to his cousin and about a month later there were two Australians as green as any fried green tomatoes on a boat headed towards a dream by way of Singapore, Bangkok, Italy, England and then America. The rush to leave the country and get to the US was then delayed by about a year when they arrived in Italy.
In Tufara, Naples, a small town where his father was born, he came across an eight piece band with a kick ass horn section and after auditioning was asked to join. Nearly a year later of working with them, he was forced to leave the country as his visa had expired.
He then headed to England where he stayed for two days and subsequently moved on to New York.
While John was still pursuing music in the Big Apple he also wanted to start acting again and NYC was the perfect place where he received his training. After a two year course at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts he graduated and spent the next decade studying with notable acting teachers including Uta Hagen at H. B. Studios, Robert Lewis and after auditioning, was accepted at The Actors Studio.
He lived in NYC for approximately fifteen years, working in theatre and television before moving to Seattle where he proceeded to do more film work and the occasional play. While in Seattle he submitted an on line audition and was chosen for the lead role of Scott Weaver in The Collapsed. The movie was shot in Toronto and subsequently went on to win several awards on the festival circuit. It was later distributed by Lionsgate in England and Europe and Anchor Bay took over distribution in the Asian and US market. After the success of his first feature he moved to California.
John currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as an actor, writer and producer.